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Thursday, November 03, 2005
Google Zeitgeist
John Battelle argues that it is no longer Zeit... Nor is it especially Geisty. So what are these tools for? Are they useless because they're predictable (Halloween is up, for instance) and what of the info we really want... the "insider zeitgeist" that is powering Jagger? The Lycos 50, for instance, is an interesting "Access Hollywood" window on this week's pop-culture curiosities... but what does it tell us about the workings of the web? How much Zeitgeist is too much, and how much is too little?

I'm at it again with the Microspheres too. Don't we really need a "Roll your own Zeitgeist" sort of a thing? Not necessarily what the folks in your sub list have been searching for, but an aggregation of what their interests have been (expressed by what they've searched / accessed / blogged / tagged / bookmarked?) When is the Zeitgeist an invasion of privacy?
Posted at 10:31 AM by John.

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