<h2 class="sidebar-title">Previous Posts</h2>& they seem to get the job done just great. Very cool!
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“It's not totally a non-geek medium. The more involved you become with blogging the more you want the bells and whistles included on your blog which takes some degree of tech/geek expertise. One of my biggest surprise-delights having 'geek' friends. I can not begin to tell you how kind and generous these guys have been to me.”Of course I'm all about the blogging experience becoming a quest for bells & whistles. Anne wants to know what other lies you've run into and what truths you've discovered.... Great thread!
Talk Digger has recently evolved. New features have been developed helping people creating communities around Web conversations, finding people with same interests, tracking and joining these evolving conversations.I need about one hundred of hardcore users that will be willing to test this new web site, find and report bugs, suggest layout modifications and new features, and tell me what is wrong with this new version.
It looks like we're talking personal accounts and building the community around the conversation. Talkdigger as forum and not solely search. Sounds good, Fred!
Filed in: talkdigger blogtech blogsearchOf course we at Freshblog have a number of hacks and tricks that can work around these limitations, but here's a further articulation of the need for Blogger 2.0, if and when such an upgrade occurs, to reflect the current and future state of the art. Blogging is currently a much more dynamic activity than the default platform allows. For a thread on this, see Stephen's Blog Platform survey, and the discussion of necessary additional features at Googlist.Why would I think this? For the following reasons:
- Lack of posting categories
- Lack of a true trackback facility
- Lack of RSS feeds for comments
- (Related to point 1) Lack of RSS feeds for posting categories
- Inflexibility of Blogger to host files other than photos
- Need for better template creation/editing tools
The Firefox-based Flock aims to be your browser of choice with several key features aimed at the new generation of social web users. The number one question Flock has received is why can’t Flock just roll everything into an extension rather than a browser. The answer is simple. It is not possible to accomplish all that Flock does with a mere extension. You will soon see how this plays out. Flock isn’t any ordinary browser, it is the browser for you and your friends.Have downloaded, and will be previewing asap!
The aim is to get Firefox users to take a screencap of their Firefox. Here's what you do: take a screencap of your browser and submit it... along with a short description of what's going on in your Firefox, including a list of the extensions you have installed, the name of the theme you're currently using, and anything else you want [Kate] to know about how you run Firefox. Include a link to your blog or webpage...Firefox evangelism, and the glorification of modding / customisation. What's not to like! I'm in!
What is the perfect bloggingHead on over to the Singpolyma Tech Blog & respond. As hackologists and modders, you're ideally placed to comment on the features and functions that make blogging more interesting, dynamic & fun.
service? We're all going to answer differently, but hopefully some
patterns will emerge. What features are important? Forget for a moment
what is supported by your particular platform and just tell us what you
want. Not what you wish you had, but what you want even if you have it.
purpose of this survey is not to determine one particular existing
service that is the 'perfect blogging service', but rather to identify
the feature set that is important to bloggers.
So, how do you find good blogs? How do you find blogs that haven’t beenOf course (shocker), they'd like you to use Sphere to get the job done, and perhaps I will... Still leaves the initial question as a decent one, though....especially when accompanied by the provocative internet philosophy nugget that "search was created to compensate for bad navigation."
started and then stopped two months later when the reality of the
commitment sunk in? How do you find blogs that go beyond the mere
reporting of the day’s activities, providing both inspiration and
support, information, connection, conversation if you want it and just
a quick break from the daily grind?
So... tags within categories? The whole thing is a recipe, (or a blog hack) but the ingredients are del.icio.us, freshtags..... When would it be useful to have a super-set of broader categories?Technorati is great at collecting user based tags from blog posts, when you view a tag like apple you’ll get a mix of computer and food posts.
What if there was a register for all these tags…microformats does something similar. When you include the tag review in your blog post, you append it according to what the code for review is in the register.
The ATOM 0.3 feed still resides at it's same location,Interesting! An under-the-radar upgrade? A test? Recognition that feeds and readers are taking off?....
http://blogname.blogspot.com/atom.xml with the RSS 2.0 feed is now at
http://blogname.blogspot.com/rss.xml . If you haven't published since
around May 30th, if you make a new post or republish your blog you
should get the new RSS feed.
You might be thinking "people seem to likeA good summary. I'm a particular fan of this whole process, & I think the Freshblog story is an example of the (moderately) good things that can happen when you focus and tailor your blogging in response to audience interests and cues. Find your microsphere.....
my blog already, I don't need to do this". It is surprising how
effective spending a little time trying to get into your audience heads
can be.... When you hit the spot it really pays
You have to remember you are not your audience,
you only get really successful not when you entertain yourself but when
you are interesting to your readers. The keys to this are locked in
your audiences heads and you need to work to reveal them.