Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Monday, June 12, 2006
Plugaid: Infrastructure Independent Trackback
Techcrunch on PlugAid. This is a trackback system that spins off the source post & doesn't require a user account. There's an embedded flash widget on the source post, and if you're so moved, you can click "participate" to get code to put the widget in your related post. You're required to enter a password, which you can use later to remove your link from the box.

Downsides: No link love, & a bit of jargon that isn't user friendly, as Marshall points out. Also, FYI for Blogger users, I had to manually append a closing embed tag to the plugaid code chunk before it would publish to Freshblog.

Upsides: No need to open a new window, log into Haloscan, ping, etc. The "participate" link will be right there in the post you just read. User contingent, too, so controlled by you rather than just emerging out of your search results.

Let's see how this emerges from alpha. Go sign up for an invitation!

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Posted at 5:55 PM by John.
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Blogger Singpolyma said...
Hmm... this seems like cheating trackback by skipping on the spec... and I don't like this ebed flash in your post deal... I'll stick with true trackbacks via greasemonkey and haloscan for now!!

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Blogger Tor said...
Wow, it's slowed down the load time of this blog considerably. Especially since your redesign, Freshblog has been a very quick loader for me. Not today.

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