Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Stand-Alone Technorati Tag Generator
In the course of exploring what's new in the world of tags tagging, I ran across Rhys Wynne's newly-created Technorati Tag Generator.
It's quite a simple program that allows you to generate HTML code for tags from a list of words. It also allows the creation of prefixes and suffixes (which can be saved) which are added to the code at the beginning or the end (this allows different styles to be made). Once the code is generated, it can be exported to any HTML editor, by copying it to the clipboard.
Pretty cool. I imagine that a bookmarklet or greasemonkey is probably still a little quicker, but this is a great solution to the problem. I wonder how easy it is to customise the URL? Nice work, Rhys!!

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Posted at 6:19 PM by John.
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Blogger Rhys said...
Thanks for your kind comments! It should be pretty easy to implement custom URL's (instead of technorati ones). I'll see what I can do this weekend...

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