Upgrades in hardware have (hopefully temporarily) disabled tagrolls, linkrolls, and multiple-tag queries at del.icio.us.
The same upgrades have also thrown a wrench into the operation of Freshtags in generic mode, as explained by Greg in comments on Freshblog and the del.icio.us blog.
Hopefully there's a swift fix in the works
Filed in: tagroll, del.icio.us, linkroll, yahoo, freshtags
With delicious staff denying that generic feeds ever worked, it looks like this feature will not be reprised.
When delicious was sold to Yahoo, my hopes were for increased stability and richer features ...
Maybe these are are just teething issues and we shouldn't be too quick to judge. Or is this a harbinger of what's to come?
Does anyone have any first hand of experience of flickr pre- vs post-sale?
GREG!! help!
Yes, I can confirm that there is a problem with delicious - it seems that they're offline and/or broken. FreshTags is fine, but since it relies on delicious it will most likely be delayed and then not showing anything.
People are whinging about it on the delicious blog:
And you can confirm via the (excellent) webperf tool here:
Front page:
JSON feeds:
(I recommend visiting this link if you're wondering if the problem is at your end.)
What to do?
Well, in the absence of any clear communication from delicious, it's unknown how long they will continue to be on the fritz. Based on past outages, it may just be a matter of hours.
In the next few weeks, I will release a version of FreshTags that will do the delicious fetch after your page has finished loading, so any delicious delays will not hamper your pages being seen by readers.
Longer term, I hope that some of the other social tagging service providers offer JSON feeds (not just RSS) so that delicious is forced to compete on reliability rather than buzz.