Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Google Search vs. for Categories
Taher at Websites, Mashups and More is creating an experiment to compare the Google Blogsearch and category methods. It'll be interesting to see how the study stacks up & what the outcome is, but the pro's & cons of each are pretty clear, I think.

The method is involved. Posts must be tagged & bookmarked to, but there are benefits:
  • Posts are listed on a public forum
  • Posts contain tags that can be picked up by other search engines
  • Posts are categorised as soon as you bookmark them
  • offers a spiffy sidebar tagcloud
  • Results can be exported as a feed and thereby used in services like Freshtags
Google Blogsearch is easy, requiring only a one-time template mod, but
  • it takes time for the posts to be crawled / indexed
  • Your categories are really keyword search results, and cannot be hacked or extended
  • Sidebar links must be hard-coded, requiring a site republish to add a category
All "horses for courses..." Choose whichever method suits your blogging style!! The important thing is that, as blogger users, we have a range of choices about how we'd like to sort and categorise our posts!!

For more discussion, see the comments on Taher's critique of the method.

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Posted at 12:43 PM by John.
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Blogger Aditya said...
boy! some people just have a lot of time on their hands, don't they? :P

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