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Monday, December 19, 2005 down reported a weekend power failure took down their data center and wiped out their data. provides a useful, versatile service used by Freshblog and many thousands of other blogs and websites.

This outage isn't critical to Freshblog. You can't see categories or tag clouds right now, but in the short term that isn't a huge loss. Are there any websites or blogs for which is mission critical? Has this single point of failure completely crippled the function of any website out there?

Posted at 12:31 PM by Yokota Fritz.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Indeed, the service is down again. Amazing. You may want to move to Simpy. Even people on' own blog are talking about Simpy, and Simpy's blog has some relevant information.

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Blogger Johan Sundström said...
I believe users of Flock might find it rather frustrating, if what I have heard about Flock using as its bookmarks repository, is right.

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