They've already used the image of Dr Evil's curled little finger, so we'll let that go. There's an I-Pod Shuffle in the offing for the person who correctly guesses when the billionth link will be tracked by Technorati. What if the correct guess is also the billionth link? A twilight zone of bloggy connections. (sound effects here....) To enter the post must have the Technorati Tag Technorati one billion links, which this post does now. (I wish blogger would make that easier... Anyone have a hack?)
To see what the fuss is all about, visit Sifry's Alerts. "Technorati now tracks over 8 million weblogs and close to one billion links. We are at 990,172,347 links." as of 4.12pm yesterday.
So my guess for the links... 9,900,000 to go as of 4pm Monday? I have no idea. Let's say 7.42pm Eastern Standard Time Friday April 1. I'll have to get my cable connection back if I win an I-Pod shuffle.