My FeedBurner stats are within their usual range (ie 10%-20% weekend dip), suggesting that there wasn't a major revamping of their counting methods.
Any natural disasters or national holidays of note? Or was it something we wrote?
Perhaps the new-found flaws with Google's Blogsearch and Mail-to-Blogger has disillusioned many bloghackers, causing them to throw in the towel and take up gardening instead.
Looks like RMail numbers dropped out of your total subscriber numbers for all the days you have seen the large drop from ~800 subs. If RMail does not request the feed from us in a given day, or if they do without telling us the subscriber number, we can't count it for you. I am not sure if this is something on our end or theirs but I will take a look and see if we seeing this same drop in other feeds. Shoot me a note if you'd like to follow up sooner. Thanks!
Cheers, Eric Olson Biz Dev - FeedBurner
John the thing is that they maybe are going to change their model from feed pinging, meaning appearing as e-mail subs in feedburner to the more efficent way of having a bot like yutter does, yutter subs in my blog don´t count into the feed.
yutter is only counted once since they use a bot, the bot take the feed at the programmed schedule you gave to yutter, and then it just forwards it from their engine.. as i understand it, i will ask david B about it.
Any natural disasters or national holidays of note? Or was it something we wrote?
Perhaps the new-found flaws with Google's Blogsearch and Mail-to-Blogger has disillusioned many bloghackers, causing them to throw in the towel and take up gardening instead.
Looks like RMail numbers dropped out of your total subscriber numbers for all the days you have seen the large drop from ~800 subs. If RMail does not request the feed from us in a given day, or if they do without telling us the subscriber number, we can't count it for you. I am not sure if this is something on our end or theirs but I will take a look and see if we seeing this same drop in other feeds. Shoot me a note if you'd like to follow up sooner. Thanks!
Eric Olson
Biz Dev - FeedBurner
yutter is only counted once since they use a bot, the bot take the feed at the programmed schedule you gave to yutter, and then it just forwards it from their engine.. as i understand it, i will ask david B about it.