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Monday, January 02, 2006
Blogger Blogthis! Upgrade
Looks like Blogthis! got an upgrade? I almost fell off my chair tonight when I was presented with a full range of rich-text editing options and an interface that looks & feels very much like being logged into your regular account. Pretty slick!!

Out of interest, does the fact that the form is a proper web form now mean that we could greasemonkey it to add a tag entry field?

Hey.... just askin' !!

Update 1/3/06: For more, see Blogger Buzz

Posted at 8:13 PM by John.
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Blogger Jasper said...
I just added support for Blog This! in my tag adder user script. So.. I need to fix it I guess :(

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Blogger Johan Sundström said...
We both did. Where the Google Reader people are Greasemonkey friendly and generally housebroken, the Blogger people certainly are not, randomly spray changing name and id attributes all over the place, always restructuring, rarely if ever reusing the same code or page layout twice, even when it would most likely save them work too.

I might follow Jasper's lead if he puts in the work needed to support this odd bit too, though I am growing a bit sick of this.

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Blogger Jasper said...
Ok.. my tag adder is updated for the restyled BlogThis!. Johan's version will follow soon I guess ;)

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Blogger Johan Sundström said...
Only thanks to Jaspers efforts really, this time around. I did fix a few other bugs earlier today, too, though which might mean I support ftp publishing too now.

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