Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
On Kinja
One more thing. I sort of missed a big thing out of my how-to the other day because I didn't see it & understand it 'til much later. In my blurb on profile cards I noted the "recommendation plaques"
In a great "find related blogs" move, each profile card also includes a number of small "preview plaques" (that's what they should call them, too!) for sites that Kinja considers to be related. They're calling these suggested relatives "kin". Plaques with a lilac header are ones that you already sub to. Plaques with a grey header are related sites that you might not have found yet, and that might be great additions to your digest. The presentation of traffic stats and related blogs on these pages strikes me as a great step forward, a powerful new feature, and a reason to choose kinja as your reader of choice. Check out the profile card for Freshblog.
Well hey, way down at the bottom of the profile page there, is an OPML logo, & you can export the Kinja "kin" recommendations as OPML and sub to all of them in one easy move. Pretty slick.

Posted at 6:43 PM by John.

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