- Received about 30 more new readers to my feeds
- Sent the message across to others such as TechCrunch, who mentioned my Social Bookmarking list. This then got spread onto Del.icio.us, Populicio.us, Del.icio.us Popular list, furl and all these other bookmarking lists.
- Trackbacks and comments from other websites
- About 600 more unique visitors than my average daily visitors with you and the other sites combined
- And lastly, Paul Scrivens of 9rules Network, has asked me to join his Network.
A little traffic, a little love, and a broader audience who are interested in what's going on on the blog. This project is such a great idea....
Filed in: blog-herald 100-blogs blogging
Google cache might help you here.
Some pages based on your original template might still be in Google cache.
You can view the source of those page and reverse engineer the template.
My 0.01 cent.
Amit Agarwal - Digital Inspiration