Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Saturday, July 23, 2005
On feeds and readers...
Was feeling pleased with the 12 subscribers I have on Bloglines 'til I looked at the stats for Collision Detection (223) and BoingBoing (24,234)... Ha-ha!! That'll burst your ego-bubble.

Anyway, have added a section on syndication & feeds to my blogger hacks post, mostly having to do with & their conversion of the blogger atom feed to an RSS feed.

Have also spent a little while longer with Bloglines, having previously been an exclusive devotee of the Kinja. I like Kinja because it presents the posts from your selected feeds on a public page in (mostly) chronological order, and so you can read the new stuff from multiple sources on the first page &c without having to log in. Here's what I've finally noticed about bloglines, though. Despite the logging in & the listing of posts by blog, There's a sort of thing going on there, with their clip / blog function. Here's what I'm thinking... I can't use to bookmark other people's stuff because I'm using my as a category manager... So let's try the bloglines clip blog as a back-pocket to put stuff in for later.

To read the blogs that I subscribe to, visit Freshbloglines, & click links in the sidebar. The feeds from the blogs that I subscribe to will open in new windows. If you're signed in to bloglines, (again with the signing in) you'll be able to copy posts to your clip blog. Worth investigating, anyway...

Posted at 1:42 PM by John.

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