Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Sunday, May 01, 2005
Technorati Link Cosmos for Blogger - How To
See A Consuming Experience for detailed instructions on how to add individual cosmos links for posts in blogger, with a spiffy sidebar link that will show your cosmos of main-page inbounds too.

Now that I have a post that people have linked to, I realised that my link cosmos script from Wizbangtech didn't work. I don't know javascript, & I didn't notice there was a problem until today, but the script searches for inbound links to permalinks with long strings of numbers at the ends. This might work on some blogger blogs, but my blogger permalinks contain the title of my post. I reworked the link as per the instructions from ACE, and now the cosmos links at the end of every post will work!! Excellent.

Update 8/1: Have switched to TalkDigger to provide my post's cosmos results. See my how-to & why.

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Posted at 2:56 PM by John.

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