Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Bookmarklet edited
but I don't quite see why.... Check out the post from Graywolf's Wolf-Howl, & hit the comments here to set me straight!! As I see it, the bookmarklet as-is, including the signon of an individual user, is useful to folks using as a category manager & tagging their own blog posts. After editing the bookmarklet to replace Ted's username with your own, it makes tags that point to the given tag in your account, and so to everything you've bookmarked on with that tag. I use this successfully to add categories to Freshblog.

If you take out the tags linking to your individual acct, is that helpful? Doesn't it "break" the tool? - or am I missing something?

Posted at 3:51 PM by John.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
The way my bookmarklet works is it creates links to for those tags. This way you can link out to the relevant tags and connect people with other relevant information. Your way only lets them see your links, my way lets them see everyones.

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