Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Monday, July 18, 2005
Multi-Purpose Tags?
So my allegedly multi-purpose tags are not quite so multi-purpose. For some reason, they've dropped off the face of the technorati tag search. I am investigating....

My posts still appear in the results sidebar on the Technorati tag search results page, but they're not making it into the main list, which sort of makes the 2-birds-with-one-stone category method a waste of time.

I have checked the tag syntax (url and rel="tag" &c) & it seems to be the same as that described on the technorati tag help page, so who knows?

Update: The tags must be OK, because our German friends at Taggling can see them just fine... (see their recent results for Harry-Potter.)

Posted at 6:09 PM by John.

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