Here's the methods, from lo-tech & least integrated to hi-tech & most integrated....
- Use the tag-making bookmarklet written by Ted Ernst. This is the method I started out with & the method I wrote a how-to for. This is ideal with blogger blogthis. After installing the bookmarklet, you write a post, use the bookmarklet to generate tags, & then paste the line of tag code into your post before you publish. More on my experience here.
- Use pace_tua's upgraded bookmarklet, which generates the same code, but pastes it automatically into the blogger "create post" link field and therefore includes it in your post without cutting & pasting. You'll need to change your blog settings to show the link field. More on my experience here.
- If you browse with Firefox. Install the greasemonkey extension, and then run a greasemonkey script that will modify the blogger create / edit post page to include a tag creator in the form. Then just type your tags as you type your post!! This method can be bookmarklet-free, because the script adds a bookmark to link to the blogger publish notification window. See my revised how-to.
Update 8/26: A fourth way to add the tags especially for blogthis! users: There's an extension bookmarklet out there for blogger blogthis! that makes it possible to add tags to posts that you write that way. The script was written to generate technorati tags by Ken at Ken's Meme Deflector. I've edited it to output technorati & combo tags. If you want to post with blogthis but tag for categories too, this script can help.
Update 11/16: See the new " Tagroll" feature as a way to export your categories into your sidebar automatically, without having to hand code a menu.
I've done these steps:
I have both a delicious and a technorati account
I've tagged my posts (some of them)
I've put the link for categories into my sidebar...
but when I click on Categories, I am taken to my Delicious page...
What I want to do is to create a drop down list for my categories using different topics, i.e., family, blogging, computing, etc.
how do I do this?
The short answer is that I don't know, but I'm trying to find out. See my appeal for help here.
i noticed that restarting my browser after i saved the bookmarklets to my link bar helped.
without re-starting my browser, the bookmarklet would not work, and the del.icio.ous bookmarklets would point to my delicious page or not work either. hope that helps.
Looked on your site but cannnot find how you do it...
span class="item-control admin-XXXXXXX pid-YYYYYYY">post to del.ic.ous link
Also danchong's comment seems to be of more help.
But still I thought of sharing what I did.
It is written in the link provided by danchong that blogger doesn't allow javascript in the post but it is allowing. May be it has some restrictions.
Blessings and thanks,
I designated some early posts as INDEX posts and then made a sidebar with those index posts pages listed.
Granted everytime I add a post, I have to update the appropriate index posts, I would still have to do that with or anything else.
see an example of this on this new blog i am designing:
Much cooler than this :-)
If you put a consistent search term in the title of each post, something like 001PinkThings, a Search This Blog search of that term should return all the posts that use it in the title...
Not perhaps but pret.ty.tas.ty ;)
You're right... So tasty, in fact, that there's 4 methods for doing it listed in Blogger Hacks: The Series.
1. Categories using Google Blog Search - from Orangewise
2. Categories using Google Blog Search & keywords in your post titles, from NetCF2.0
3. Categories using Google Blog Search & Technorati tags as your keywords, from Skeptic Rant
4. Categories using Google Blog Search, with a .js sidebar menu, by Taher.
I maintain, though, that the additional effort required to tag your posts is worth it because of the additional exposure that your material gets.
That's a little thing we call "Freshtags"... 30+ users and counting. 3 more in the past 48 hours. Check it out & let me know what you think.
thanks your info has been really helpful still new to this so looking for all the help I can can get!
love and blessings!
Natty love