Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Thursday, June 23, 2005
Automating Categories
I'm not sure how nutritious it is to have deodorant for lunch, but it must be working because here's a mod for the tag script that automates it... "BlogFresh uses a tagging script that generates an HTML string that you manually insert into your page. Well, I'm lazy. So I allowed for the Link dialog to be displayed (Settings->Formatting on Blogger) and rewrote the technorati delicious tagging script to automatically insert the HTML string into the Link input."

I'll try it & see what happens.

Filed in: , , , ,

Update 5/2/06: Comments suggest that there is a bug in the script that writes out your tags into the title of your post. Not good. Will investigate when I get chance, but in the meantime, I recommend Johan's script with a side order of Freshtags!
Posted at 9:58 PM by John.
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Blogger Jay Woolsrake said...
I'm curious if anyone else has encountered the following issue, and wonder if it has something to do with the particular design template I use on Blooger.

Deoderantforlunch's script inserts a beautiful set of keyword links into the "Links" field in my Blogger post, which appear nicely at the end of the post where I placed the code. However, a portion of the link code also appears in the title of the post.


The script inserts very basic link codes for the words "religion" and "nonsense" into the "Link" field of a post called "miracles."

At the end of the post the following words appear as nice little links:

religion, nonsense

But then the title of the post becomes the following:

religion, nonsense" title="external link"> miracles

The automatically generated code looks correct to me. Anyone else experience this problem?

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Blogger Unknown said...
I just can't get his to work at all. It gives me a headache!

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Blogger Audrey Tang said...
I had the same problem as jay woolsrake did, with the extra code appearing on my post title. Is there a way to fix this?

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Blogger John said...

I'm checking. In the meantime try Johan's script, which will do the same thing w/ some spiffy extras.

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