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Monday, January 03, 2005
Get a life...
I agree with this journal entry from Japan Window:
The Matrix is the Internet. The real world is the place where I live and breathe. And the only real relationships I have exist in the real world. The man I talked to right here (next to my table in Starbucks) yesterday, with his false front teeth, ill-health and honest smile, amounted to more relationship than all the "visits" recorded in my web stats.
Christmas unplugged has me thinking that I will stay unplugged a while longer, and only post when I have something to say, instead of searching for & linking to work that already exists. So this first post states a new philosophy, gets me a "January '05" archive page, & opens the new year at a calmer & less frantic virtual pace. Here's to spending a bit more time in the real world.
Posted at 6:42 PM by John.

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