Over at The Last Word, Aditya has put Freshtags to work to set himself up with an automatically updating list of sticky posts. He's tagged all his sticky stuff "Highlights," and then set Freshtags to show those posts as the default. Very nice, and mighty dynamic in a Freshtags way, of course! No hard-code updates of any sidebar elements required when a new sticky post is produced. Ah, Freshtags... everyone should have one! So... what are you waiting for?
Filed in: freshtags, blogtech, webtech, categories, blogger-hacks, del.icio.us
defs = "defaults";
Of course, you change defaults to be the tag that makes sense for your blog. In the absence of any reader-selected tags, FreshTags will show any posts you've tagged with defaults.
If you leave it blank ie:
defs = "";
then FreshTags will not display any posts if there no tags are selected. By why waste an opportunity to showcase your compelling content to your readers?