My first thought is that really, unless you're the Instapundit, who needs a search that updates every 60 seconds? I could see a 5 minute refresh for your favorite tags, or even of your favorite sites, but a 60 second keyword refresh strikes me as using a bazooka to kill a mosquito. The blogosphere updates frequently, of course, but the parts of it that each individual might want to track don't change by the second, do they?
That said, (and perhaps in a more critical tone than I intended....) how nice to see a service come out overpowered rather than underweight. For reaction, thoughts and development ideas, see:
- A Consuming Experience - speculating on the extra-beefy servers required to make this work
- Micropersuasion - where Steve provides instructions on loading the minisearch window in your browser sidebar.
- Library Clips - where John T points out the possible future application of mini for tag searches, and suggests the application of mini as a feedreader by auto searching an OPML file for updates every minute.... Wow. If it could do that, & you docked it in a browser sidebar, you'd have an auto-refreshing desktop feedreader. What about it, Dave?
Filed in: technorati search blogtech