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Friday, October 07, 2005
Blogger / Google Backlinks
While we're blogging new stuff from Google, behold the introduction of "backlinks" for blogger. This is a way of accessing Google Blogsearch data using in-post cosmos links - so not the wheel re-invented. Still, a neat new addition, esp. for new bloggers w/ default templates into which this is all pre-loaded. Check out the blogger buzz & the blogger help article. I'll be interested to see how this stacks up against the Icerocket & Technorati cosmos links. Icerocket will show an inbound link count on the post page.

Randy... Maybe next week's Finding New Links could make use of in-post cosmos links as the detection method?

Posted at 8:20 PM by John.
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Blogger Yokota Fritz said...
Nice feature. I've enabled it on my blogs now.

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I don't really like in-post cosmos links. I post 30 times per day (200 per week). I don't want to check 200 cosmos links. I just want to check one link.

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Blogger Jim said...
Hello, I need some help please with my template. My website is I need for the 3rd column on the right to be moved over to the left just a bit. Do you see the space? How would I fix that?

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Blogger Amit Agarwal said...
Randy, it is a little different from the technorati cosmos as it automatically lists the URLs linking to your post. You don't need to click anywhere to see who's linking to you.

In case you are using a custom blogger template, you can use the HTML code in my post to append to your blog template.

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Blogger John said...
& if the goal is to check the inbounds to just one post, as your experimental "new links" posts do, then putting a few cosmos links in the footer of that one post might be an interesting addition?

Just a thought!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thnkas it works

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