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Saturday, July 09, 2005
Going to the big show...
Jimmy's heading to the Improv: "I rehearsed my set one last time at an open mic last night...and I tanked. It didn't ruin my confidence, though, I've noticed that whenever I've got a big show coming up, I always bomb the night before. I think it's because I'm too focused on rehearsing and thinking ahead to tommorow, and not really focusing on the audience at hand. I think bombing the night before really helps, shaves off a bit of arrogance, and it adds a little more nervous energy to what I'll be doing tonight. Puts a bit of a needed edge on. I think from now on, whenever I've got a big show the next day, I'm going to do all new experimental material the night before, just to loosen up."

Sounds like a plan!! Look forward to hearing how it went at the Improv!!

Posted at 11:14 AM by John.

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