Blogger Hacks, Categories, Tips & Tricks

Thursday, June 02, 2005
Make a map of your tags presents a graphical representation of Freshblog's category tags. An excellent addition to the whole tagging and categories experiment that lets you see the relative importance of the tags I'm choosing, and the relationships between them. Some are so inter-related that they're obscured. Perhaps I should take this as a hint to tag more descriptively and with less words?

So how-to? Do you have a signon? Why not generate your own extisp.ici.ous page? " text gives you a random textual scattering of a user's tags, sized according to the number of times that they've used each of them, and leaves you to draw your own insights from the overlapping entrails."

You can also use to generate your own collage of images, with an image for each tag. Apparently this is not always safe for work, and the site can only run the operation 5000 times a day, so no permalinks &c, but fun to do.

Thanks for the tools, Kevan. Much appreciated.

Update: Kevan, the tool's creator, reports that permalinks to the collages are possible, they just link to a cached version without generating a new version. I stand corrected!!

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Posted at 12:20 PM by John.
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Blogger Shafter79 said...
Random Blogging

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Blogger Kevan said...
Permalinks to the collages are fine - I cache all the queries to Yahoo, so reloading a view of the same tags just uses the cached versions. (And I've got 17000-odd tags cached from everyone who's ever looked at it, now, so it's getting rarer and rarer that anyone's tags ever need to be looked up at Yahoo.)

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