is a customizable web 2.0 homepage solutionThis will let you customise a page without signing in (presumably with cookies?) or let you sign in with an e-mail so that you can access your page on any PC. Netvibes will also let you check your gmail from their page. Looks like a good way to set up a portal!! More OPML importation ahoy!!This service is free and gives you the user the ability:
- to create a personalized page with the content you like.
- to put together data feeds and services from web 2.0 applications with a very simple interface
- to access your page anytime and from any computer .
Key features of Netvibes:
- Browse, modify, and import your RSS feeds with our integrated RSS/ATOM feedreader. You can easily import an OPML file as well.
- Import, download and listen to podcasts without any additional software
- Check your e-mail on one or many Gmail accounts; stick web notes and weather updates; and many more features to come!
Netvibes also have a blog so that you can keep up with their deeds & doings. I think I will!!
Update: Look at how they handle the feeds... (go there & click on a post from one of the default blogs that they include.) You get a spiffy pop-up window w/ the post on the right & a list of other recent posts from the same blog on the left. I like the style, esp. for keeping up with a small number of must-read blogs from a personal homepage like this....
Update 10/13: Can now cite a source for this post!! Saw Netvibes in my referrer list, & Jim at SerotoninRain comments that he's the netvibes user who left the referral. So thanks for the good lead!!
Filed In: netvibes, webtech, blogtech, feeds, readers, syndication
1. They still don't have automatic feed discovery when you drag and drop a URL. You have to specify the feed URL. Google personal does this.
2. You can't add your own links, just feeds. If they want to be a homepage, I think they need to let me add favorite/fequent links.
But they update stuff all the time, so things might be different tomorrow.
Netvibes has added a bookmarks tool. Oh yeah!
They must have heard us talking.